Liverpool og Chelsea í deildinni

Mjög athyglisverður punktur í [grein í The Times](,,27-2312937,00.html):

>After the 4-1 humbling by Chelsea at Anfield on October 2, Liverpool picked up 75 points, as opposed to Chelsea?s 67. However, before that match Chelsea had 21 points compared with Liverpool?s paltry seven. In simple terms, that means Liverpool were the best team in the Barclays Premiership for all but the first month of last season. Now their players believe that a better team will hit the ground running.

Nokkuð magnað. Það er vonandi að byrjunin verði betri á þessu tímabili fyrir okkar menn.

Carson til Charlton

Fellur Watford? Hverjir koma mest á óvart? Hverjir vinna?