Cesar vill koma

Jæja, þar sem það er ekkert að frétta af framherjamálum, þá vil ég bara benda á [viðtal við Cesar, varamarkvörð Real Madrid](http://www.teamtalk.com/teamtalk/News/Story_Page/0,7760,1776_252182,00.html). Þar segir hann um áhuga Liverpool

>”It is true an offer from Liverpool has come to Real Madrid for me but there are so many things to clarify,” he said.

>”It is necessary to solve things one way or the other. That Liverpool like me is excellent news and it shows my work at Real has not gone unnoticed, even though I haven’t played many games.

>”I know Rafa Benitez well. I was with him for a year at Valladolid and I know how he works with the players. For him, I would go away tomorrow – and the same for Liverpool.

>”But I want to speak with Benitez and know more details. Real Madrid vice president Emilio Butragueno has given me authorisation to do it.”

Jahá, gott að heyra.

Enn betra er að heyra að Liverpool hefur [hafnað því að deila velli með óæðri liðum](http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/4164319.stm). Mjög gott mál!

Watford í undanúrslitunum í kvöld!

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